TerraFund Landscapes – July 2024 Polygon Update

On July 9th 2024, we made an important update to TerraMatch to enable better polygon validation, storage and analysis on the platform. This article summarizes that change, how it affects users, and how to use the new feature.

Here we outline what this means for TerraFund users and answer some common questions related to this update.  

1. How do I add new polygons to a site?

Flority Users: If you are using Flority/Greenhouse to submit your final polygons to TerraMatch for your TerraFund project, your DQA will push your polygons to TerraMatch from greenhouse in the upcoming weeks.

Non-Flority Users: If you are not using Flority/Greenhous to create your polygons, you can upload your polygons directly using the new map interface. Below is a simple video showing you how to do that.


2. How do interpret the status of my polygons?

Each polygon will be colored depending on its status. All polygons sent to the polygon team to date will have the blue status, submitted. You can learn more about the new polygon statuses here.

3. How will I know if I need to update any of my polygons? 

If any of your polygons have the orange status “Needs More Info” you will need to update the polygon. When your polygon’s status changes to “Needs More Info”, you should receive some clear questions and instructions on how to update the polygon.

Watch this quick video to see how to view requests for more information for a polygon.   


4. When will I see monitoring data associated with my sites and project?

Getting polygons more integrated into the platform will enable us to deliver monitoring data more quickly right into TerraMatch. We plan to deliver baseline metrics to TerraFund Landscapes projects by the end of the year, pending polygon submission.  

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