July 2024 Update: Changes to Reports on TerraMatch

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Since January 2024, we have made important changes to the TerraFund progress reports on TerraMatch to clarify what is required for each question, simplify the language for better understanding and added a few other questions to give you a space to explain your work progress. In addition, we also made some small changes to the content of your TerraFund project, site and nursery reports. 

To guide you even more we have developed a guidance document to explain each of the questions in detail as well as how to answer them while reporting: please download it here TerraFund for AFR100 Reporting Guidance

For July 2024 report we have made slight improvements to reporting questions. These changes are divided into 2 types:

  • Updated Questions: Updates to make questions clearer to align with updates to the monitoring framework.
  • New Questions: New questions to help your team report better on your project’s progress.

Below we detail the changes and provide an updated checklist per report. If you need help with any of these changes, please email info@TerraMatch .org or reach out to your project manager or portfolio specialist. 

View Updates By Report Type

Report Type Changes Download Report Checklist

Project Reports 

10 Updated Questions

5 New/Replacement Questions

Updated Project Report Checklist

Site Reports

1 New Question

Updated Site Report Checklist

Nursery Reports No updates

Nursery Checklist


Project Reports

Updated Questions

1. Updates to landscape progress question: Before we asked, “How has your project progressed toward its goals of restoring the landscape?" This now has been updated to “Describe what progress you have made toward your project's trees and hectares goals since you submitted your last TerraMatch report. Review your project profile to track your progress accurately, and please be detailed” 

This question has been updated to be more specific on the type of progress you provide: tree and hectare targets.  

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2. Updates to socioeconomic progress question: Before we asked, “How has your project progressed towards your community engagement and socio-economic development goals?“ now it has been updated to “Describe what progress you have made toward your project's socioeconomic development and social equity goals?” 

The new question has been updated to allow your project to provide a broader overview of your project progress towards socio-economic development such as jobs, livelihood beneficiaries, communities etc 

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3. Updated to equitable opportunities question: Previously this question was, “How has your project provided equitable opportunities for women and youth to influence restoration activities and decisions in your project?” and now it's changed to “Are there any actions your project has taken during the reporting period to support women and/or youth to influence restoration activities and decisions in your project?” 

This question has been updated to provide clarity on what specific actions your project has taken to support women and/or youth to influence restoration activities  equitable opps updated.PNG


4. Updates to the Jobs section description section: previously the jobs description questions were “Include information about the types of jobs, the role they play in the overall project, and who has been employed. Please be detailed.” This has been simplified to “Please describe the types of work that new employees are doing on this project."

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5. Updates to full-time employees question:  

Previously the question was “In the past six months, how many new full-time jobs has this project created?” and now it is updated as followsIn the past six months, how many new employees have started working full-time on this project?” 

This is to clarify that the question refers to people directly employed by the project, rather than job opportunities created indirectly.  

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6. Updated part-time employees' question 

Previously the question was “In the past six months, how many new part-time jobs has this project created?” and now it is updated as follows “In the past six months, how many new employees have started working part-time on this project?” 

Same as full-time employees above, this is to clarify that the question refers to people directly employed by the project, rather than job opportunities created indirectly.

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7. Updated question on beneficiaries 

Previously the question was “How many new people have benefitted from this project in the past six months?” now this has been updated as follows “How many local community members directly received benefits from this project in the past six months?” 

This question was updated to allow projects to provide the number of beneficiaries directly impacted by the project. Another question has been added for projects also to share the number of indirect beneficiaries. Please look at the guidance provided to understand the differences between the two types of beneficiaries. 

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8. Updated question on incomes 

Previously the question was, “In the past six months, how many of the beneficiaries tallied above have reported an increase in income?” Now it has been updated as follows “Has this project supported any income-generating opportunities?” and “Please provide more details about the income-generating activities you are supporting.” 

The updates to the income-related questions is in response to the lessons and feedback from your reports which was that it takes a while for project beneficiaries to generate income from restoration and also due to long-term nature of tree growing and therefore a longer time to provide such benefits. 

This question has been updated to understand how your projects are supporting income-generating activities and a description of those activities. Examples of income-generating activities include supporting nurseries for communities, bee-keeping initiatives etc.

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9. Updates to skills and knowledge question 

Previously we asked “ In the past six months, how many of the beneficiaries tallied above have reported an increase in skills or knowledge?” this has been updated to “In the past six months, how many people have received training from the project?” 

This is to provide clarity that the question refers explicitly to people trained.

10. Updates to skills and knowledge descriptions 

Previously the question asked, “Describe the new skills or knowledge that people have gained and how they acquired those skills or knowledge” and how has been updated to “Describe the types of training or trainings that the project provided.” 

Updated for consistency with question people trained.  

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New/Replacement Questions 

1. How has the project responded to local community priorities in this reporting period? 

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2. Land tenure document upload: if you have documentation to share on the land tenure arrangements within your project boundaries, please upload them in the "Additional Documents" section of your report.

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3. How many people received benefits indirectly from this project in the past six months? This question was added to allow projects to provide the number of beneficiaries indirectly impacted by the project. Please look at the guidance provided to understand the differences between the two types of beneficiaries

4. Describe the specific ways that the project indirectly provided benefits. Provide an opportunity for projects to describe how they have indirectly benefited the people provided in the previously added question.

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5. Has this project supported any income-generating opportunities? As shared above, the income-related questions have been updated/added as a response to the lessons and feedback from your reports which was that it takes a while for project beneficiaries to generate income from restoration and also due to long-term nature of tree growing and therefore a longer time to provide such benefits.  Now we have updated the question to understand how your projects are supporting income-generating activities and a description of those activities. Examples of income-generating activities include supporting nurseries for communities, bee-keeping initiatives etc 

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Site Reports

New Question, only relevant for projects implementing ANR

1. A new question “What markers of progress have you seen in this reporting period as a result of your ANR interventions?” has been added to give opportunity for projects with ANR components to describe any specific progress made on their sites. 






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