Monitoring and Reporting Requirements for Harit Bharat Fund Partners

As you are designing your proposed project for the Harit Bharat Fund opportunity, it will be important to consider a few key factors about our monitoring and reporting process:

  • All projects must restrict planting to two years: 2024 and 2025. We will not accept projects that span longer than 2 planting seasons. After the last tree is planted, reporting and monitoring will continue until 6 years after the contract is signed.
    • When creating the budget for this project, applicants should plan for the project to be active for 6 years, with sufficient monitoring and maintenance budget for the years after planting.


Your Project Profiles

  • As soon as a project receives funding, the project developer will create a "monitoring profile" on TerraMatch that includes overview information about the project, along with the precise location and details of each of the sites that the project is restoring and details about the nurseries that it operates (if applicable).
  • Similar to the organization profile that applicants create during the application process, this profile will include information about the timeline of the project, the targets for hectares restored, trees planted, and jobs created, along with narrative descriptions of the work. 
    • Many of the details will be carried over from your project application, but project developers will be required to with with their assigned project manager to update the information.
    • The numerical impact targets on this profile must exactly match the figures included in a project developer's Harit Bharat Fund contract.


All progress reports for funded projects will be submitted on TerraMatch. The platform will also host the results of the independent monitoring analyses that are conducted by WRI.

Our team will provide funded projects with clear guidance on how to navigate the platform's reporting features through webinars, articles, and direct 1-on-1 support.


Reporting Process

  • Twice per year, Harit Bharat Fund projects must submit progress reports on TerraMatch.
  • We collect narrative and quantitative updates, along with photographic evidence of progress, in these reports.
    • These reports collect information about planting progress, as well as the environmental and socioeconomic impact of your project.
    • Partners also submit information about disturbances in the landscape or challenges that are hindering project progress.
    • Harit Bharat Fund partners are required to submit an annual financial report, which includes information about the funding they spent over the previous calendar year.
  •  We use 3 types of progress reports and a variety of indicators to track the impact of these projects: Site reports, nursery reports, and project summary reports.
    • Partners submit a progress report for each of the sites that they restore and nurseries that, and one for the overall project.
    • The reporting template is subject to change as we receive feedback from project developers, but includes the following information:
Site Nursery Project
  • Photos
  • Trees grown
  • Tree species breakdown
  • Disturbances
  • Harit Bharat Fund recognizes the importance of ensuring that restoration supports positive socioeconomic outcomes, contributes to healthy and resilient ecosystems, and fosters social equity. To help understand socioeconomic outcomes, we currently ask projects to report on jobs created, increased income, and improved skills.
    • Our team is working to enhance how we understand socioeconomic impacts of Harit Bharat Fund, including those related to job quality and comprehensive aspects of improved livelihoods. We are also developing approaches to understand ecosystem services benefits of restoration projects, such as water security or soil health, as well as outcomes related to social equity, for equitable distribution of restoration benefits.
  • Project developers can expect updates to Harit Bharat Fund’s Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification approach as our team works with partners to determine appropriate measurement approaches.  
    • Socioeconomic, ecosystem services, and equity outcomes are complex to measure in a way that is practical and scalable, and will require some time and learning to get right.


Monitoring Process

  • Our monitoring process requires project developer to identify their project sites, where planting will occur, and create a geospatial boundary for each of these sites.
    • We require that projects identify the area where work will take place during the application process. To learn more about this process and the requirements, please visit this article: Link to Creating and Submitting Geographic Data for Your Project
      • We understand that project developers may not have the capacity to produce detailed geographic data at this stage. This will not affect your application score. Once selected, our team of experts will help project developers create polygons (or use other approaches) to provide more detailed geographic data.
    • We understand that project sites and plans are likely to change between the date of application submission, especially as project developers engage communities to choose planting sites. Project developers should be as accurate as possible when indicating the region of work.
      • Our expectation is that our projects will upload a profile on TerraMatch for each site within 3 months after a site has been identified and at least a month prior to the next report due date.
  • All projects will collect geotagged photos to track the progress of the restoration areas. The Harit Bharat Fund team will provide a specific protocol to collect these photos.  
    • Project developers will use their GPS-enabled phones to collect a large sample of planting activity at the baseline (before planting), halfway through the project, and at the end of the project.
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