Past Community Engagement Experience

The questions asked in this section of the application are meant to get a quick understanding of how your organization engages with local communities. Each question in this section is a simple multi-select question. Below we explain what each option means and why we are asking each question. 

If you have any further questions, you add them below as a comment or submit them here, and our support team will try to address them promptly. 


Q: How does your organization engage with farmers? 

Why we ask this question:
When restoration projects have a positive economic impact on a community, it is usually due to their connection with the local farming community. There are many ways farmers can benefit from restoration projects, so please select all benefits that your past project work has provided to local farmers.
Option Definition 
We provide paid jobs for farmers Selecting this option indicates that your organization engages farmers directly and not through a third party, and pays farmers when they engage in project execution through cash, stipend, salary, and/or incentives.
We directly engage & benefit farmers  Selecting this option indicates that your organization engages farmers directly and not through a third party, and does not directly pay farmers. However, farmers benefit through non-cash-related benefits when they engage in project execution.
We provide indirect benefits to farmers  Selecting this option indicates that your organization engages farmers indirectly through a third party and does not pay farmers. However, farmers benefit through non-cash-related benefits when they engage in project execution.
We do not engage with farmers Selecting this option indicates that your organization does not engage farmers in  project execution. Not all restoration projects engage farmers.


Q; How does your organization engage with women? 

Why we ask this question:

We would like to understand how your organization benefits women within the communities impacted by your restoration project. There are many ways women can benefit from restoration projects, so please select all benefits that your past project work has provided to women.

Option Definition 
We provide paid jobs for women Selecting this option indicates that your organization engages women directly and not through a third party, and directly pays women when they engage in project execution through cash, stipend, salary, and/or incentives.
We directly engage & benefit women Selecting this option indicates that your organization engages women directly and not through a third party but does not pay women. However, women benefit through non-cash-related benefits when they engage in  project execution.
We provide indirect benefits to women Selecting this option indicates that your organization engages women indirectly through a third party and does not directly pay women. However, women benefit through non-cash-related benefits when they engage in  project execution.
We do not engage with women Selecting this option indicates that your organization does not engage with women in project execution.


Q: How does your organization engage with people younger than 35 years old? 

Why we ask this question:
We would like to understand how your organization impacts those younger than and including 35 years old to create long-lasting impact in the local community. There are many ways youth can benefit from restoration projects, so please select all that apply to your past project work.
Option Definition 
We provide paid jobs for people younger than 35 years old Selecting this option indicates that your organization engages young people directly and not through a third party and pays people younger than 35 years old when they engage in your project execution through cash, stipend, salary, and/or incentives.
We directly engage & benefit people younger than 35 years old Selecting this option indicates that your organization engages young people directly and not through a third party, but does not pay people younger than 35 years old. However, young people benefit through non-cash-related benefits when they engage in project execution.
We provide indirect benefits to people younger than 35 years old Selecting this option indicates that your organization engages young people indirectly through a third party and does not pay people younger than 35 years old. However, people younger than 35 years old benefit through non-cash-related benefits when they engage in project execution.
We do not engage with people younger than 35 years old Selecting this option indicates that your organization does not engage with people younger than 35 years old in project execution.
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